Arranged Marriages in India

Do you want to learn about arranged marriages in India? Are you interested in learning what factors are considered in an arranged marriage? Read our guide for more facts and information…

Arranged marriages gained their origin and popularity from the concept that the older generation in a family is more apt to make better decisions for the future when compared to the youth. Arranged marriages fulfill this idea as the match is planned by the children’s parents or other relatives. It is also of note that in India even marriages that are not arranged typically require parental approval. Creating an arranged marriage is similar to the matchmaking process.

The parents of the child have been known to discuss the idea of marriage before looking for a match. It is also of note that once the search for a match begins the information is shared with friends of the family so that they can assist with the search. It is also interesting that a wide search for a match is conducted by families of both girls and boys.

In India whether the marriage is arranged or not it is generally understood that marriage is for life. Unlike in many other countries were the divorce rate is sky rocketing in India even with arranged marriages only 1.1 % of all marriages end in divorce.

Factors to Consider

When the search for a match is underway many factors are considered before a marriage is proposed. The factors are generally not assessed by the intended partners but rather by their families. Arranged marriages consider age as it is typical for girls to be younger. Height is also important as it is generally accepted that the boy should be the taller individual in the match. Personal values and taste are also assessed as compatibility is strived for. Another important factor in constituting a match is family background as the intended parties should share the same religion.

Wealth is also an important factor as originally the dowry of the girl is considered and also the boy’s ability to care for the girl is assessed. The intended parties should also share a language, and similar ranking in the caste system. It is also generally accepted that the parties should have a comparable level of education; some parties believe the boy should be more educated. It can also be important for the astrological signs of both parties to be compatible and some searchers consider the proposed match’s appearance. Once a match has been agreed on it is important for a date of marriage to be chosen that is compatible for both parties.

Remaining Popular

Arranged marriages have long been traditional in Indian society as the practice dates back to when children married very early in life. Today, the practice has lost some popularity in urban areas but so not much popularity that it has fallen out of practice. Today, even Indians who live overseas often participate in an arranged marriage. The system of arranged marriages helps protect families, particularly those of high status. The most common criticism of arranged marriages is that the partners do not always know each other before marrying.

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