Italian Pet Names

Got a new pet and looking for a unique name? Want to give your pet a name that shows your cultural background or just want a really special name that describes your pet well? Whatever your reasons, Italian names might be perfect for your pets…

Italian names are bound to please you for a variety of reasons. They have special meanings, they are unique and most importantly their list simply seems endless. They can be for males and females and some are unisex as well. You can name any pet of yours; be it a cat, dog, horse, goat or any other pet; Italian names can be really charming!!

Italian Names and Their Meanings:

Male Names

Some well liked Italian pet names for male pets and their meanings are as follows:

Matteo: It means Love of god. It is a variant of Matthew.
Allesio: A perfect name for a brave pet or guard dog as it means “defender”.
Amando: It means lovable.
Fausto: It means lucky.
Gianni: It is a variant of Giovanni. It is considered to be “John” in English.
Agapeto/Amato: These all mean beloved.
Callisto: It means the most beautiful.
Basilio: A nice name for pets with a royal attitude, as it means “king”.
DAngelo: It means angel messenger.
Celio/Celino: They mean Heaven.
Elario: It means joyful and happy.
Adolfo: It means noble wolf.
Amore: It is one of the popular names meaning love.

Female Names

Here are some popular feminine Italian pet names with their meanings:

Adalina/Adelina/Alda: These all mean “noble”.
Eleonora: A perfect name for a pet, which can be described as “light”.
Agata: It is a nice name for a well behaved pet as it means “good”.
Armonie: It translates to “priceless gift”.
Belina: It means beautiful.
Allegria: It means “cheerful and lively”.
Sheila: It means music in Italian.
Jianna: In Italian, it means “god is gracious”.
Donna: This name really speaks up for the gender of your pet, as it means “lady”.
Azzura: Azzura means “sky blue”. It can be a perfect choice if your pet has blue eyes.
Caterina: It means “pure”.
Caprina: An excellent choice if your pet is a real restless creature, as it translates into “un predictable”.
Celeste: To show your love for your pet and to show its importance to you, you can name her as “heavenly”.

Unisex Names

Unisex names are a good option as they can be used for both sexes. However, if you really want a name to show your pet’s gender, there are plenty of options.

Bianco: It can be used for a pet boasting of white colour as it means “white”.
Felice: This is a good name to show you have a “happy” pet. Apart from happy, it can also be translated as lucky.
Franco: Ideal for a free spirited pet, as it means “free”.
Italo: It shows the Italian background, as it translates into “of Italy”.

These are only some of the Italian pet names you can choose from. They are unusual and have nice meanings all making them as ideal choice for naming your pets. Good luck and happy journey in your quest for naming your pet!!!

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