Adopting from Nepal

The following article gives an overview of the requirements and criteria if you are hoping to adopt a child from Nepal.

Nepal is the twelfth poorest country in the world and it has an extensive history of extreme poverty and social unrest.  Amongst other factors, the poverty in Nepal is one of the key reasons why people are likely to choose Nepal when deciding to adopt a child from abroad.

The adoption of children from both Nepal and other countries internationally has become increasingly common and inter country relationships between adoption service providers means that the processes to adopt children from Nepal are clearer and easier to apply.

The adoption criteria for adopting a child in Nepal are as follows:

The adopting parents should ideally be married and their age must not exceed thirty years the age of the child that they are adopting.  The age of the couple adopting in Nepal cannot exceed fifty and they should have been married for at least four years prior to commencing the adoption process.  If the couple adopting in Nepal already have a biological child, then it is necessary that they prove infertility (this can be a doctor’s note for example).  It is then necessary that the adopted child is the opposite sex to the adopting parent’s existing child
 A single woman can adopt in Nepal, but, a single man cannot adopt
 If a single woman is adopting in Nepal then she should be at least thirty five years old but not older than fifty five years old
 It is generally not possible for adopting parents to adopt a child over the age of six
When adopting a child from abroad, it is necessary that the parents hoping to adopt have a ‘home report’ completed via social services in their home country.  In addition to providing this piece of information to the respective adoption governmental department in Nepal, the prospective adoptive parents are also required to produce a home office report which confirms that the Home Office are happy for the adoptive child to be naturalised to the UK.
Other pieces of information which the adopting parents are required to produce for the authorities in Nepal are items such as testification of salary earned, police reports, marriage certificates (where relevant), infertility certificates (where relevant) and a letter from the prospective adopting parents which outlines why they are wanting to adopt a child from Nepal.
It costs approximately £1,500 to adopt from Nepal.
The process of intercountry adoption from Nepal usually takes longer than adopting from a prospective parents’ home country.

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