Italian Holidays

Want to know about Italian holidays? Find out the important dates and days that are taken off in the country in our information guide to Italian holidays.

The Italian calendar is dotted with holidays that spread all across the year. There is not one single month in Italy that goes by without some celebrations and festivals. Many of these holidays have a long history behind them and others have come up with the passage of time. Christianity being the most prevalent religion in the region there are a lot of holidays based upon important Christian dates though out the year. Then there are the secular holidays that have sprung up in remembrance of important historical events and developments. Nonetheless the festive spirit is kept alive the whole year round.

The first half

From New Years celebration from the very first day of the year the celebrations begin. This day is marked as a national holiday all throughout the country. The 6th of January is the earliest religious holiday of the year known as Epiphany. Late January sees the Italians celebrating Mardi Gras and the Carnevales in Venice and Viareggio which feature parades on boats. The Holy week begins in the middle of March and coincides with spring break for most schools. The week is ended by the most colorful religious celebrations of Easter and the explosion of the cart.

During the month of April the Italians celebrate the birth of one of the most prestigious cities in Italy; Rome. The day is celebrated with parades and fireworks as the Italians commemorate the birth of Rome. The twenty fifth of April is observed as Liberation Day as this was the day World War 2 ended and the world breathed a sigh of relief.  The first of May is Labor Day and is taken off in Italy. The month of May has a number of important festivals but only some of these are given off. The Italian National Day is celebrated on the second of June and is definitely a nation wide holiday. St. John the Baptist day is another important religious holiday in June. The next month also has a number of important religious holidays however the month of July usually comes under the summer vacations for schools.

The second half

The next half of the year starts off with the feast of the Assumption on the 15th of August which is an important religious holiday. The month also has a number of other festivals but most of them are not considered as public holidays. In September the Italians have a number of important religious holidays like the Festival of San Genarro. The month of October is probably the only month that goes without a public holiday. The first of the next month is All Saint’s Day which is amongst the most important religious holidays of the year. The 21st of November is also a religious holiday bled into the Italian culture from America as Thanksgiving Day. This is a day of great significance in Italy. The following month has the feast of the Immaculate Conception which is a religious festival held on the 8th of December. The biggest holiday of the year is Christmas which is celebrated on the 25th of December.

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