The Current Population of Iran

Searching for information and facts about the current population of Iran? This guide to the population statistics of Iran offers some interesting information.

The population of Iran was just below 69,000,000 in a 2006 survey. The majority of Iranians live in the key Irani cities, with over 12 million residing in Tehran (the capital of Iran).

The population growth rate in Iran was estimated at 1.1% as per the survey referenced above.

What does the Iranian population look like? The majority of Iranians fall into the 15 – 64 age group (69%), whilst 26.1% are 0 – 14 years and only 4.9% are 65 years and over. The median age is 24 years for males and 25 years for females. For this reason, the general population of Iran is extremely young, which will provide challenges for the Iranian government to ensure that sufficient jobs are available for this significantly large part of the population who are either currently of working age, or, who will be of working age in the near future.

Life expectancy for the Iranian population at birth is approximately 70 years (68 years for Iranian males and 71 years for Iranian females).

The population in Iran is growing at an alarming rate of over 3.3% per year. This increase has been further fuelled by the numbers of individuals who have been forced to leave surrounding countries by the wars inflicted on their countries (e.g. Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon). It is likely that this figure will continue to grow in the near future.

The ethnicity of the Iranian population is primarily Persian with over 51%. The second biggest group is Azeri and the remaining portion of the population are either Gilaki (8%), Kurd (7%), Arab (3%) and other (7%).

The majority of the Iranian population are Shi’a Muslims (89%) whilst 10% are Sunni Muslims and the remaining 1% are Christian, Zorastrian, Baha’I and Jewish.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )