Hong Gil Dong Korean Drama

Want to watch Hong Gil Dong the Korean drama? Read more about this romantic comedy, which is action-packed with the antics of a local Korean Robin Hood and popular with Korean audiences…

The Korean drama Hong Gil Dong is also known by its other title of Sharp Blade Hong Gil Dong and focuses on the antics of a Korean Robin Hood. It follows the lead of the original European Robin Hood story and has a lot of dramatic and action-packed scenes that are finely blended with elements of romance and comedy. This 24-episode TV series was aired from January to March 2008 on the KBS2 network in South Korea.

The protagonist is played by Kang Ji Hwan as an illegitimate son of a high-level government minister. A monk who mentors him in the use of martial arts brings him up. He grows up with a desire to fight societal injustice and eliminate the gap between ordinary citizens and the privileged elite. The female lead is played by Sung Yu Ri in the role of Heo Yi Nok who is portrayed as a seller of unique medicines and has recently returned from China to Korea in the company of  her grandfather.

Another character played by Jang Guen Suk is that of Lee Chang Hwi. He was fed on the story that his half brother has usurped his right to the throne. Upon returning from exile in China his life revolves around plots to overthrow his half-brother and regain his position at the helm of the empire. These three characters get involved in varying degrees in relationships, which include elements of betrayal, loyalty, hatred and love, eventually leading to the success of one side over the other.

Review of the Korean Drama

Though not a popular top rated production, the TV serial gained more success towards the end of its airing. The soundtrack includes  modern and rock style music, which is comparatively different from contemporary style music utilized in most Korean TV serials. The music actually makes one take notice and has added a fresh note to the drama.
Each actor tries to grasp the essence of the character and delivers their lines very well. Facial expressions and vocal tones vary as required by the various scenes. Both the men fit their roles like a glove and you can detect a range of emotions on their faces and in their voices.

The supporting cast each fit their roles perfectly and rather than try to over compensate for their short roles they focus on delivering a high impact piece each time they get airtime. They are able to extract from audiences the right emotions by depicting their characters in either likable or unlikable categories as required by their roles.
The direction is done wonderfully and its understated tones complement a good choice of camera angles making it aesthetically pleasing and pleasant to watch.
With a smooth flowing storyline and dramatic direction each actor seems to be enjoying their role and this comes forth as the TV serial the plot unfolds. The plot has many twists and turns and could be extended and made into many more episodes.

However, the crisp editing makes the serial fast paced and exciting with almost too many twists in the main storyline. The drama does not drag at any point and keeps the viewer alert and interested. The main storylines include a romance among the three characters as well as the succession to the throne in the second part of the story. The writing is complemented by the excellent acting talent displayed by the different Korean actors and the entire production is executed very well.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )