Irish Cake Recipes

Looking for Irish cake recipes? Read on to discover some of the most exotic cake recipes from the Irish tradition…

The Irish cuisine is known for its exquisite confectionary items. Cakes in particular are very popular amongst the Irish. They have a wide range of cake recipes out of which some cakes are prepared on a regular basis whereas others are reserved for special occasions.

Irish Cream Chocolate Mousse Cake

This is one of the most delicious cake recipes originating from Ireland. You will need eggs, sugar, semi sweet chocolate and some chilled whipped cream.

Start off by whisking the eggs and sugar into a large metal bowl. Next up set the bowl on a saucepan of simmering water. You need to make sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. Whisk the contents for about five minutes. After removing the bowl from the stove mix in the egg mixture using an electric mixer.

In another bowl place the chocolate chunks over simmering water. Stir it to turn it into a smooth paste. Once the desired state has been achieved remove the bowl and let it cool down to luke warm. Now combine the cream and beat it to stiff peaks. Pour the melted chocolate over the egg mixture and fold them together. Now place this in the cream mixture and let it chill overnight to enjoy the delicious cake the next day.

Irish Vanilla Christmas Sponge Cake

This is another all time classic Irish cake recipe for a sponge cake. As the name suggests this cake is popularly baked around Christmas time. You will need sifted cake flour, sifted powdered sugar, baking powder, eggs, cold water, granulated sugar and vanilla to prepare this cake.

You will start by sifting the baking powder and the powdered sugar together. On the side beat the eggs into the cold water until they become fluffy. Add the vanilla and salt to this mixture. Keep adding the granulated sugar to the mixture. Add the mixture in quarters making sure you keep blending the mixture as you make the additions.

Next up pour half of the batter in a cake pan lining it with wax paper. Depending on the occasion you are baking the cake for you can use a tint for the batter. Red is perhaps the most commonly used color. Pour the red batter on top of the already existing batter in the baking ban. Next place it in an oven heated at 335 F and bake for around forty minutes. Once the cake has baked place it on the wire rack to cool and remove the waxed paper. For the final touches use butter cream frosting and decorations such as holiday sprinkles or red rosettes with green leaves.

Traditional Irish Wedding Cake

This traditional master piece is perhaps one of the more difficult Irish cake recipes to make. You need to put a considerable amount of time into making this cake. Furthermore it needs to be made well in advance of the big day because it needs to have enough time to mellow prior to being served.

The cake is made using some interesting ingredients such as  raisins, baking raisins, currants, almonds, nutmeg, candied cherries, candied peel, ground cloves, ginger, cinnamon, allspice and molasses.

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