Traditional Irish Blessings

Are you looking for traditional Irish blessings? Do you want to know about all the many different old Irish blessings available? Read our guide for more information on choosing the right traditional blessings .

The warmth and welcome of traditional Irish blessings sought to turn less than happy situations into positive experiences. These traditional blessings are many centuries old and have stood the test of time to be just as relevant in our day and age as they were centuries ago. There was much misery in Ireland, which stemmed from famine, poverty and war. As a result, traditional Irish blessings offer hope and happiness in the face of the trials and tribulations of daily living.

One such Irish blessing goes like this: “From the orchards of Armagh to the fields of Wicklow, May God bless the farmer’s work and help his crops grow. And St Swithin intercedes for him that whether rain or shine, his labors are rewarded this coming harvest time.” Another blessing that’s equally poignant is: “May the sun shine bright on your joyous days, and the rain refresh you through peaceful night.” Irish blessings also offer you good luck as reflected in this blessing: “Wherever you go and whatever you do, may the luck of the Irish be there with you.” Traditional Irish blessings give encouragement for many a weary soul who slogs at work: “May God not weaken your hand.”

Irish Blessings for all Occasions

If you’re looking for an Irish blessing that’s suitable for a colleague’s going away party, then you’ll find this blessing appropriate for the occasion: “May green be the grass you walk on. May blue be the skies above you. May pure be the joys that surround you. May true be the hearts that love you.” When you’re asked to bless a married couple on their anniversary, you could say this blessing: “May you be blessed with warmth in your home, love in your heart, peace in your soul and joy in your life.”

Traditional Irish blessings are timeless as they stir the heart and soul with the richness of good wishes. Irish blessings may have originated in Ireland but have now become some of the most often repeated blessings in many functions the world over, from birthdays to weddings. With a well chosen traditional Irish blessing, you’re sure to liven up your gathering of family and friends.

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