Turkish Appetizers

Interested in Turkish appetizers? Read on to discover some all time classic Turkish appetizer recipes that are easy to make, yet tantalizing for the taste buds…

The Turkish cuisine consists of a wide variety of tantalizing treats. Turkish appetizers in particular are known for their exquisite tastes and unique appearance. Today these appetizers are considered to be the ideal treats to start off a meal.

Some popular Turkish Appetizer recipes are given below:

Roasted Red Peppers with Garlic

This is one of the simplest Turkish appetizer recipes that you will be able to find, yet it is a great one to serve as a prelude to the main course. Basically, the recipe is based on red bell peppers, which are to be served with a special sauce made using garlic cloves mashed with salt, apple cider vinegar and extra virgin oil.

You will start  by cutting off the red bell peppers from the top, following which you need to half them while discarding the seeds. Meanwhile heat up the oven  at broil. Place the red bell peppers facing down, on an oven tray and insert into the heated oven to roast for 15 minutes. Take them out and place them in a paper bag, which will enable you to take off the skin easily.

Slice the bell peppers into big chunks and arrange them on a serving plate. On the side you need to whisk all the ingredients of the sauce together and simply pour it over the red peppers. To top it up, you can sprinkle some finely chopped parsley on the Turkish appetizer. Traditionally this appetizer was served with fish or chicken.

Turkish Chickpea Dip

This is yet another all time classic Turkish appetizer recipe. In order to prepare the authentic chickpea dip you  need a can of peeled and rinsed chickpeas along with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt, cinnamon, lightly roasted pine nuts and currants soaked in hot water.

Begin by mixing the chickpeas with the olive oil, cinnamon, lemon juice and salt. It is best to make use of a food processor in order to get a smooth texture. Add the currants after draining them from the hot water along with the pine nuts, tossing the ingredients together using a spoon. Use a fork to shape the content to make an aesthetically appealing arrangement on a service plate. This appetizer makes a great accompaniment with toasted pide slices.

Turkish Beetroot Dip

You will require pickled whole baby beets along with chopped dill, chopped garlic cloves, Balkan style yogurt, extra virgin oil, crushed pepper and salt and pepper in order to make Turkish beetroot dip.

First  you need to puree the beets and  garlic in a food processor. Following this  mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Simply pour the contents into your serving bowl and enjoy alongside toasted Turkish bread slices in order to get the authentic taste. You have a choice of using canned beetroot or fresh beetroot but there will be a difference in the way fresh beetroot is handled as compared to the canned ones.

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