The Population of Argentina

Searching for information and facts about the current population of Argentina? This guide to the population statistics of Argentina offers some interesting information. Please note however, that the statistics used are sourced from a general group of

The current population of Argentina is around 36 million. Almost half of these individual live within the capital city, Buenos Aires.

In respect to size and population within South America, Argentina is only second to Brazil.

Due to the influx of European immigrants into Argentina, 97% of the country are deemed ‘white’, whilst only 0.5% of individuals originate from the pure indigenous population and the remaining 2.5% are other non-white groups.

The 95% of immigrants into Argentina are primarily of Italian and Spanish descent.

The makeup of the population trends within Argentina mirror those of the more developed countries. It has one of the lowest growth rates in Latin America (approximately 1% per annum) and it also has a fairly low infant mortality rate. The median age within the Argentina population is 29 years and life expectancy is relatively high, at 75 years for males and 71.67 years for females.

The birth rate is estimated at 16.9 births per 1,000 population and the death rate is estimated at 7.56 deaths per 1,000 population. The fertility rate is estimated at 2.47 children born per woman.

The estimated population density in Argentina is 14 persons per square kilometre or, 35 persons per square mile.

Of the population, Argentina has the highest representation of Jewish citizens (2% of the overall population). The remaining are primarily Catholic (92% of the population) and protestant (2% of the population) with the last 4% representing ‘other’ religions.

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