Recipe for Caribbean Irish Moss

Interested in a recipe for Caribbean Irish moss? Read on to find out how you can make this traditional drink at home…

Known as Chondrus crispus in the world of botany, Irish moss is primarily seaweed belonging to the red alga family. The Irish make use of this seaweed to prepare a rather unique drink popularly known as the Caribbean Irish moss.

Not everybody will be able to gulp down this Irish delicacy as the Caribbean Irish moss requires you to develop a taste for it. Here follows the traditional recipe for the Caribbean Irish moss.

Caribbean Irish moss recipe

If you go for fresh Irish moss then you will need about 20 grams. On the other hand if you will be using dried Irish moss you will need up to 50 grams for this recipe. You will also require two and a half liters of water, some milk, grated nutmeg and delicious strawberry syrup. You will also be adding sugar according to your taste.

In case you are using dried Irish moss you will have to begin with soaking it in water for a couple of hours. For the fresh moss all you have to do is clean the other parts of the seaweed and wash it so as to remove all the dirt and sand.

You will proceed by simmering the Irish moss in water until it becomes tender. Then bring the water to a boil. Next up strain the liquid using a fine sieve or a muslin cloth. To this you will add the sugar nutmeg and milk. Then the special strawberry syrup will be added in order to give it a pink color and a lovely taste. The Caribbean Irish moss is served chilled hence it needs to be kept in the refrigerator until it sets.

Nutrition value of Irish moss

The seaweed after which this traditional Irish drink is named is a rich source of carageenan along with other substances that can be used to thicken liquids. Irish moss has served as a potent source for carageenan which is used in ice creams, milk, toothpaste and other such products.

The consumption of carageenan from Irish moss has beneficial effects on the body. It increases the body’s metabolism and also promotes healthier functioning of the immune system. It also acts as a water soluble fiber which helps to soothe the intestines. Irish moss also has the ability to absorb toxins.

Irish moss has also been used to treat health problems like mucous membranes and other lung conditions. Herbalists believe Irish moss has the ability to strengthen the body’s resistance to infectious diseases such as cancer.

Much like other seaweeds Irish moss is rich in a number of minerals. Sulfur, iodine and selenium are some of the minerals that Irish moss is abundantly rich in. This particular seaweed is rich in a combination of some unusual sugars such as fructose, sucrose and glucose.

People have been making use of Irish moss for medical purposes for ages. With the Caribbean Irish moss drink you get a glass full of flavor as well as numerous health benefits.

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