Vergiate Italy

Want to learn more about Vergiate, Italy? Read on for facts and info on this municipality of Italy in the province of Varese…

Vergiate is the name of a municipality of Italy located in the Province of Varese. The Varese region itself is part of Lombardy and is located at a distance of about 45 km towards the northwest of Milan. A 15 km drive from Varese will get you to the Vergiate municipality of Italy.

Vergiate is further divided into different subdivisions in the form of villages and hamlets. The most popular subdivisions include the Corgeno, Cuirone, Cimbro and Sesona. Vergiate is bordered by a number of different Italian municipalities which include Casale Litta, Arsago Seprio, Mercallo, Mornago, Comabbio, Golasecca, Somma Lombardo,Sesto Calende and Varano Borghi.

According to the 1991 statistics the total population of Vergiate is recorded as 8,068 inhabitants. The census was obtained again in 2001 and this time around the population had become 8,414 inhabitants. The percentile variation between the decades is measured at 4.06%. The total number of inhabitants in the region is distributed amongst 3,263 families. The average number of people per family has been evaluated as 2.58 persons.

The lowest part of Vergiate is located about 243 meters above sea level, whereas at its zenith it has been measured to be 434 meters above sea level.

There are more than 276 active industrial firms in Vergiate. About 1,966 people are employed in these industrial firms with the workforce making up about 55.22% from the total number of workers. Along with this there are about 180 service firms in the locality with a total employment of 608 people. 5.31% of the labor is actual work force in this sector.

Vergiate has an additional 204 firms, where 738 people are employed out of which 17.08% is the workforce. Lastly Vergiate has about 44 administrative offices with 173 workers and 5.73% of them being the workers. As per records the total number of people employed in Vergiate goes up to 3.560. This amount counts for 42.31% of the total population of the region.

Over the years Vergiate has become a favored tourist spot in the region. It is also popular because of the thriving commercial activity that the region experiences. The region has its fair share of hotels, resorts and bread and breakfast joints catering to the seasonal influx of visitors to the region.

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