Brazilian Chocolate Hair Treatment

Brazilian chocolate treatment is a Keratin hair treatment enhanced with chocolate blend, whereby the fatty acids augment the suppleness of the treated hair. Read our guide for more facts and information…

With constant advancement in hair treatment techniques, free flowing locks are no longer confined to the rich and famous. Brazilian hair treatment methods use Keratin, which is a protein similar to proteins contained in human hair. Keratin treatment is used to condition frizzy hair to form straight and healthy looking locks by coating the hair strands with Keratin.

Overview of Brazilian chocolate hair treatment

Authentic hair treatment products and techniques originating from Brazil bring about amazing transformations of the hair. As the presence of formaldehyde in the Keratin solution is known to be hazardous to health, many treatment methods claim to replace it with natural ingredients. These ingredients are widely different and are obtained from plants like apple, strawberry, vanilla bean and cacao bean. Strawberry is said to improve hair texture as it contains vitamin C, fatty acids and omega-3s. Chocolate treatment is gaining popularity, as cocoa molecules aid in reinforcing the inner structure of hair and restores its natural elasticity. It also includes collagen, which helps maintain the strength as well as flexibility of the hair.


The treatment begins with a thorough hair wash to strip off conditioners that may otherwise interfere with the treatment. It is brushed with a tangle teaser and the chocolate Keratin solution is applied. Its ingredients include Keratin, vitamins, collagen, cocoa extracts, silicon and poliquaternio. The hair is parted in sections and painted with the solution such that the portion immediate to the root is left bare. This precaution ensures that the hair is not prone to brittleness and breakage. After a thorough coating it is dried with a hair drier using a paddle brush. It is left for a while and finally ironed with hair straighteners. It is ironed section by section in order to seal the Keratin to the hair cuticle. The duration of the process is around two hours, though it varies with the length and type of the hair, and the skill of the stylist. The treated hair should not be pinned up, gathered, or tucked behind the ear until it is washed after four days.

Advantages of Brazilian chocolate hair treatment

The treatment results last for about five to six months and the hair acquires more sheen, bounce and volume. It is applicable for any type of hair, whether it is bleached, highlighted, colored or permed. Further, cacao beans are rich in amino acids, antioxidants and omega fatty acids, and hence restore damaged hair. The beneficial fats moisturize the external layer Keratin and prevent splitting and cracking.

Beginning with a nutty aroma, the Brazilian chocolate hair treatment transforms unruly hair to incredibly supple and healthy locks protected by natural fats and polyphends present in cacao seeds.

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