Costa Rica Sport Fishing

Going on a fishing vacation in Costa Rica? Want to know where the best sport fishing tours in Costa Rica are? Our guide gives you the facts & information you want to know.

Costa Rica is the ideal destination for sport fishing. With its immense natural beauty, friendly people and long coastlines access to sport fishing in Costa Rica is easy and sure to be a fun experience even for fishing novices.  Although Mexico is still the most popular foreign destination with US citizens when it comes to sport fishing, Costa Rica has a lot to offer and is catching up fast. Every year tourists land in Costa Rica in numbers reaching into the tens of thousands in order to experience first hand the thrill of sport fishing in the waters off Costa Rica.  With the availability of two of the world’s largest oceans at your doorstep you will be spoilt for choice when it comes to fishing in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica Sport Fishing Caribbean

The waters of the Caribbean that lie off the eastern coast of Costa Rica are generally mild, clear and full of an interesting array of marine life including plenty of species of fish. If you are interested in a rough and adventurous deep sea fishing experience you may be better off fishing in the waters of the Pacific off the western coast of Costa Rica, although the relaxing and fun atmosphere to be found while sport fishing off the east coast of Costa Rica is second to none. Tarpin are amongst the most commonly caught fish species in the Caribbean as these large fish move freely between the waters off the coast of Costa Rica and the colder waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
The sailfish is another commonly caught fish in Costa Rica sport fishing expedition. In addition to their impressive size, the fact that they can be caught all year round makes them particularly appealing to catch while sport fishing. The main fishing tournaments in Costa Rica are held in February, but some can be staged anywhere from December to March.

Sport Fishing Costa Rica Pacific

The huge Marlin is another prized catch for fishing enthusiasts around the world who come to Costa Rica. These fish can grow to as much as 200 pounds and can give you a run for your money. If it is Marlin that you are looking for they are easiest caught in the Pacific waters of Costa Rica. Many people sport fishing for Marlin in Costa Rica head to the Golfito area for the best catches.

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