Food in Hungary

Are you going on holiday to Hungary? Would you like to enjoy some authentic Hungarian food? Our guide to food in Hungary gives you the facts & information you’ll want to know.

Ingredients in Hungarian food

Hungarian food is well known among the citizens of neighbouring European countries as well as those who are familiar with Hungarian food. Hungarian food is not particularly spicy; however, paprika seems to find itself into the majority of Hungarian foods. Paprika grows naturally in Hungary, particular in the east of the country which accounts for its ready availability and liberal use in Hungarian food. Sour cream is another ingredient that is particularly popular in many types of Hungarian food.

Hungarian food & meat

The general population of Hungary are definitely huge meat eaters and it would be highly unusual for meat not to feature in any Hungarian meal. The majority of meat in Hungarian food is either fried or baked in breadcrumbs and often forms the most substantial part of any meal in Hungary. The most popular type of meat eaten in Hungary is pork, although beef and chicken are both included regularly in Hungarian food. Despite being land locked, fish is also present in much Hungarian food, thanks largely to the fresh water catches from Lake Balaton, which is a popular place for camping in Hungary.

Hungarian food & health issues

If you are eating out in Hungary then you don’t need to be particularly worried about hygiene, as this general standard is quite good and you should be safe. Hungarian food in general, however, is not all together very healthy due primarily to the fact that is relies so heavily of fried meat and fresh green vegetables are rarely included in Hungarian food.

Ethnic food in Hungary

Since the end of the Soviet era, Hungary, and Budapest in particular have seen something of a renaissance. Part of this has included the appearance of several ethnic restaurants from all over the world including Thai food and Middle Eastern food which are now widely available.

Hungarian food & daily meals

Not much food is eaten for breakfast in Hungary. In fact breakfast in Hungary usually just involves a quick cup of coffee with a pastry. The daily meal involving the most food in Hungary is definitely lunch which can involve several courses. Lunch in Hungary is usually eaten at around 1pm. Dinner is more or less the same as lunch in terms of the type of food eaten in Hungary, although its generally smaller than lunch.

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