Indian Ringneck Parakeet

Ringneck Parakeet

Looking for Indian ringneck parakeet? Want to know about all the different types of ringneck parakeets available? Read our guide for more information on choosing the right parakeet for you…

The Indian ringneck parakeet has earned the nickname of ‘Noble Parakeet’ and is also known as the rose-ringed parakeet. The scientific name for this parakeet is psittacula krameri, named after the Austrian naturalist, Wilhelm Kramer.

This species of parrot is found in tropical regions and the ringneck parakeet is a gregarious bird, famed for its noisy squawking in the wild. They originated in South Asia and have formed feral populations in many parts of India and some parts of Europe.

Both genders of the Indian ringneck parakeet are distinct from each other. The male sports a ring around its neck which is black in color with a pink band on the nape.

Ringneck Parakeet
Indian Ringneck Parakeet

The female ringneck, termed a hen, does not have this distinctive ring. Thus the two genders are easily distinguishable from each other.

The diet of the Indian ringneck parakeet consists mainly of nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Seeds and berries also form part of the ringneck’s diet. Some wild parakeets fly in flocks to feast in orchards or in farms. These wild ringnecks can cause extensive damage to crops.

Most ringneck parakeets do not grow more than about 40centimeters in length with a wing length of about 15 centimeters. The tail of the parakeet makes up the bulk of its length.

These birds have mostly green feathers with a hooked upper mandible or beak which is suitable to crack nuts.

Keeping Ringneck Parakeets as Pets

The Indian ringneck parakeet has been kept as a pet since ancient Greek and Roman times. This squawking bird has mutated to colorful varieties with various colored feathers from grey to blue and cinnamon. Albino ringneck parakeets have an absence of color and its feathers are pure white.

The mutated parakeets are widely available in pet stores and are a favorite of children. To keep a ringneck parakeet at home, you’ll need to confine it to a large bird cage and feed it special birdseed. You may also have to put up with its noisy calls at odd hours.

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