Isca Sull Ionio Italy

Want to learn more about Isca Sull Ionio, Italy? Read on for facts and info on this historical region of southern Italy…
Isca Sull Ionio Italy

Isca Sull Ionio is a town situated in the province of Catanzaro of Italy. The exact location of the town places it at a distance of 51 km from the chief town of the province known as Catanzaro. The Italian town has a total population of about 1,586 inhabitants and is spread over a total surface area of 23 square kilometers. The population density as per the official record is 68.96 per square kilometer and the locality is situated at a height of about 188 m above sea level.

The center of the town is the place known as P. Municipio. This is where the City Hall is located. The total number of inhabitants of Isca Sull Ionio is divided into 607 families, each family has about 2.61 people.

The moderate sized locality has a total of 19 industrial firms. About 74 people are employed in these firms out of which 26.91% is the number of total percentage of workers. On the server-side there are a total of 36 service firms which offer employment to a total of 57 people. 20.73% of this number belongs to the working class.

Furthermore, there are about 31 other firms that employ a total of 62 people out of which 22.55% are workers. There are 82 employees working for the 13 administrative offices in the Italian town of Isca Sull Ionio.

The total number of workers employed in the town reaches up to 275 out of which only 17.34% are the original inhabitants of the municipality.

Isca Sull Ionio has a fair share of tourist accommodation in the form of hotels, motels, resorts and bed and breakfast joints. Tourists often frequent the region because of its strategic location and unique tourist attractions.

The people of Isca Sull Ionio are followers of the Roman Catholic faith. A number of churches are scattered across the landscape of the town. The patron saint of the locality is Saint San Marziale and a number of festive occasions are celebrated in his honor on a yearly basis.

The beautiful region that has been blessed with a diverse geographical landscape consists of the hills on one side and a coastal line on the other. It is this unique combination that attracts tourists from all over the world to the town of Isca Sull Ionio. Furthermore, the fact that it is situated in the south of Italy connects it with other popular tourist destinations that the country has to offer.

The region of Isca Sull Ionio has played an important role over the course of history. It is regarded as being one of the oldest inhabited regions of the country and yet, it has a very limited number of inhabitants till today. The region is rich with its historic culture and offers a unique experience to tourists that make their way to the locality.

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