Turkish Mausers

Do you want to learn more about Turkish Mausers? Read on for facts and info on this firearm that was developed in Turkey…

Picture of Turkish Mausers

Turkish Mausers that are on sale now-a-days are mostly the versions of Model 98 that was made in Turkey way back in the 40’s. Presently known as Model 38 rifles, they are of less importance and widely available. They are cheap to buy. They don’t have any historic value. This means that they can be perfectly used by amateurs. Turkish Mausers are long rifles. They look like the late 19th and 20th century military patterns. They have a straight bolt that sticks out horizontally from the stock.

Quality of Turkish Mausers

Currently Turkish Mausers are available at numerous sources from prices ranging under $50 to a little over $100. The quality of these mausers is usually quite poor but some of them are reasonable. They are not too accurate, especially if you are aiming at targets at a great distance. However at short distances, their accuracy is just fine. The ammunition required for a Turkish Mauser comprises of 8mm military ammunition.

However, some people find it extremely enjoyable and feel that it functions quite smoothly. If the bore of these Turkish Mausers is good, they can be used well as big game rifles.

Some common Turkish Mausers

  •  Model 1938 – This model was an up gradation from the previous type and was commonly called as the Model of 1938. But now this is known as Model 38.
  •  Enfield – Some of the Enfields that were captured from the ‘visiting’ British Empire forces were converted to 8mm.

The Turkish Models 1938 were actually not a model of a rifle. Many other rifles can be called the Turkish Model 1938. These also include GEW 98, Cz 98/22, Model 1893 and Turkish Model 1903. The 1903 and 1938 models are readily available now. The original 1903 models were chambered in 7.65 x 53 caliber, but later they were remodeled and chambered in 8mm mauser.

Yet another Turkish Mauser, Turkish M1887 is popular. It is just a refinement of the M1871/84 German Mauser.

The Turkish Mausers are legendary hunting rifles. The Turkish Mausers which belong to the Ottoman period have calligraphic designs on them in Arabic.
Even though some Turkish Mausers were manufactured under specific contracts, some were manufactured in specific facilities and some were converted from any number of Mauser models. So if you see an advertisement for a Turkish Mauser, chances are that it includes assorted mauser parts which have been reworked and reassembled in Turkey. However, this doesn’t mean that they are of inferior quality.

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