Tlaltenango Zacatecas Mexico

Going on vacation to Mexico? Passing through Tlaltenango in Zacatecas Mexico? Our guide to Tlaltenango gives you the facts & information about local history, culture, tourism, population & economy that you’ll find interesting.

Tlaltenango de Sánchez Román or simply Tlaltenango is found in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico. Tlaltenango is characterized by a rather mountainous border consisting of the mountain range of Sierra de Morones that forms an impressive valley near the Tlaltenango River. Tlaltenango is near Momax, General Joaquin Amaro Huanusco, Jalpa, Tepechitlan and Atolinga. The population of Tlaltenango is roughly 22, 000 based on the 2005 Census. Having a mountainous geographical feature, Tlaltenango has an elevation of about 2460 meters similar to the elevation of Sombreretillo.

Tlaltenango Geogrpahy

On average, Tlaltenango has its rainy season during the months of June to September and another one during the months of December and January.  The Mountain Range of the Drawers is where the majority of the volume of water comes from. There are streams originating from other mountainous regions near Tlaltenango, as well. These river and steam systems are significant in the development of the agricultural industry of Tlaltenango. The inhabitants experience winter in Tlaltenango where the temperature drops to 10° to 14° c on average.

Tlaltenango Economy

The mountains of Tlaltenango have diverse flora and fauna. There are various species of pine trees. Oaks, manzanillas, capulin and sapodilla are common trees in the Tlaltenango forest. Meanwhile, mountain dear, squirrels, lizards, turtles and tejones are common wildlife in Tlaltenango. The Tlaltenango’s mountain is blessed with modest mineral ores. The agricultural aspect of Tlaltenango is one of the sources of livelihood of many families especially in the rural communities outside the city. Among the main crops grown are:  barley, grain, alfalfa and vegetables. The cattle and poultry industries are also improving in Tlaltenango through programs launched by the local government and additional investments by private sector.

Tlaltenango Tourism

Tlaltenango’s tourism is still at its budding stage. Most tourist spots in the municipality of Tlaltenango are historical monuments and museums. Tlaltenango is rich in tradition and cultural heritage. Local folklore, dances and fairs are highlights of celebrations in Tlaltenango. This economically active municipality in Zacatecas, Mexico is also home to many churches that reflect the deep religious orientation of the people of Tlaltenango. If you want to have a nice vacation and feel what it’s like living in the countryside, Tlaltenango is a great place to go. The people are hospitable and warm, the place is clean and the scenes are uniquely inviting. So, why not pack your things now and go to Tlaltenango and see how meaningful your time will be at this distinct place in Zacatecas, Mexico.

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