Spanish Pop Music

Interested in Spanish pop music? Want to know the lyrics to Spanish pop music? Our guide gives you the facts & information you want to know.

Spanish music is usually associated with Flamenco and Andalusian which are genres of music traditional to Spain. Spanish music however is not just limited to this brand of music as it has undergone a lot of cultural changes through history. Modern styles of Spanish music now have reflections of different styles of folk music, rock, heavy metal, punk, hip hop and Spanish pop music.

Pop Music in Spanish

Spanish history has endured a rich blend of different cultures over the years. The Christians, the Visigoths from East Germany, Jews and the Arabs and Moors have all at different times called Spain home. Each of these groups has also contributed to the culture and vast numbers of musical traditions and styles exist which are quite different from those found in the rest of Spain. During the 20th century American and British music groups were becoming more popular in the international scene with pop music and rock and roll. The tourism boom that Spain enjoyed during the 60s, 70s and 80s saw again the influx of music styles from around the world and this helped boost the Spanish pop culture.

Spanish Rock Music

The earliest form of Spanish pop was an imitation of French pop which was also an imitation of British and American pop. Spanish artists and culture added a kind of flamenco passion as well as rhythms and a Spanish twist that gave Spanish pop a unique flavor that is loved by many worldwide. With the restoration of democratic government in Spain and the associated liberal freedom and alternative lifestyles that followed, young Spaniards and artists were able to dabble more in new tastes and Spanish Pop grew and continued to gain popularity.

Spanish Pop Lyrics

Spanish pop music songs usually last about 5 minutes long and are produced mainly for enjoyment and commercial success. Spanish pop can be accompanied by an orchestra or and a lone singer. A pop band would usually consist of the use of key boards, guitar, drums and bass instruments. Pop in Spain is arranged in verse-chorus–verse arrangement with chorus distinct from the verse in melody, rhythms and harmony. Pop music in Spain is marked by heavy rhythms, catchy hooks and memorable melodies. Common themes of Spanish pop include relationships, love and romance.

Spanish pop artists have taken their form of pop music unto the world stage and a lot of international attention has be drawn therein with a growing popularity of Spanish pop music and artists even outside Spain. Popular Spanish bands and artists would include Duncan Dhu and Derribos Arias both legendary Spainsh pop bands of the 80s. Recent popular artists would include the group El Web de Ella Baila Sola and Enrique Iglesias and Shakira. There is a large list of other Spanish pop musicians popular and widely acclaimed.

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