Spanish Style Fireplaces

Interested in Spanish style fireplaces? To install an authentic Spanish style fireplace in your home read on to discover the different options available…

The Spanish style fireplace is a quintessential item in most houses across Spain as well as on a global level. The main reason for this is that in areas where a fireplace is required to deal with the winter, the Spanish style fireplace evokes pleasant and warm feelings in any home.

The vibrant styles have evolved into different interesting variations from regions across the globe. This makes the selection of Spanish style fireplaces interesting and exciting for most homemakers.

The influence of Spain and its conquistadors on world culture is found in different areas of life, including culture and architecture. You can see how the culture and architecture still prevail all over the Americas and all the way to the Philippines.

Designs of the Spanish Style Fireplace

When you think of Spanish style fireplaces you might think of an old world design or the famous Kiva fireplace as well as the designs inspired by the Mission Revival which is prevalent in the southwestern region of America.

A Spanish style fireplace brings history into your home with its rich and colorful heritage. The Spanish revival and colonial style architectural designs were introduced all over the Americas during the early 20th century and are still popular today. If you choose a different style it could include rich and colorful handmade tiles that surround the fireplace and are predominantly utilized and made in Mexico.

For sheer elegance in simple colors and forms the Spanish style fireplace is also crafted with a stone mantel and surrounding the tile. This is normally used in formal dining rooms or study lounges in Argentina and Brazil.

The Kiva fireplace’s origins date from the American southwest architectural style of Pueblo. However it has been greatly influenced by Spanish traditions and architecture. This has resulted in the use of bright and vibrant colors along with detailed decorative elements. Most of these impressive structures have rich colored tiles, which is a hallmark of Spanish design. These are utilized in the surround of the fireplace.

Rarely is the interior of the firebox tiled but it is known to have occurred in richly decorated fireplaces when ceramics became popular in the 11th century.

Arab Influences on the Spanish Style Fireplace

The Arabs introduced beautiful architectural elements as well as ceramics into Spain. This was coupled with their tile glazing and decorative skills learned from the Persians. As a result, Spanish architecture and ceramics changed forever.

The influence of the Arabs on every aspect of Spanish culture is undeniable and it’s reflected in the fireplaces still today. From interlocking geometric designs to floral motifs and curvilinear aspects you can find the polished stone reflecting this distinctive style.

Stone Spanish Style Fireplaces

Natural stone, particularly Cantera stone which is strong and porous, along with limestone is also utilized to create Spanish style fireplaces. You can find both these stones very easily available in Mexico and they are utilized in different colors due to the durability.

Cantera stone is available in different colors and is actually used to create façades of homes and buildings. The limestone can be utilized to create the mantle as well as over mantle of a fireplace. With its natural vein of colors it looks beautiful and elegant.

Even though there’s a difference in style from region to region you can see the connecting and underlying elements of Spanish influence in each fireplace that is crafted along the lines of a Spanish style fireplace.

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