Indiana Indian Artifacts

Do you want to learn about Indiana Indians and their artifacts? Are you interested in discovering what Indian artifacts are found in Indiana? Read our guide for more facts and information…

Indiana Indians

In the state of Indiana today there are no federally recognized tribes of Indians; however, in the past the area was populated with a vast and varied Indian population. Indiana was home to Indian tribes that included, but was not limited, to the Chippewa, the Delaware, the Erie, the Illinois, the Kickapoo and the Miami. It is known that Indians lived in the area as early as 8000 BC. It is also known through the discovery of artifacts that many of the tribes lived along or near the Ohio River. In the 1800s Europeans began to settle in the New World which affected the Indians of Indiana. Around 1830 the removal of Indians from the east began and some of the tribes of Indiana relocated voluntarily and without force. On the other hand some of the tribes were forcibly moved to the west by the Europeans when the tribes refused to obey the legislation. By 1846 almost all of the Indians of Indiana had left the state leading to a diminished modern Indian population.


As in most states where Indians have settled and lived arrowheads are abundant artifacts. The arrowheads in Indiana are a variety of shapes and sizes due to the various tribes that once called the state home. The arrowheads can be classified into a variety of styles based not only on tribal origins but also on age. One of the most common styles of arrowheads found in Indiana is the Dovetail.

The Dovetail arrowhead is usually around three inches in length and dates back to 7500 BC. This style of arrowhead is typically found in the southern region of the state and can further be identified by its basic and smooth blade edges. The arrowhead also has a notched base which creates a stem and appears to be a classic arrow shape. The Dovetail is also usually constructed of chert which is a kind of flint. This type of stone is grayish-brown in color and allows for other mineral deposits to still be seen.

Groove Axe

The groove axe is another artifact that has been found in Indiana. The groove axe was made by the Indians in the past by using a slab of stone and shaping it to form a groove at one end. Through the process of grinding and sanding the groove was created which allowed the stone to be used as a tool. Groove axes that have been found as artifacts are typically about six inches by two inches by three inches. This size allowed the tool to be effective but not excessively heavy. The groove axe has been found along the borders of Indian with other modern states. The groove axe can also be identified as it is usually constructed with out of green and black speckled hard stone.

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