Baby Canadian Geese

Want to learn more about Baby Canadian Geese? Read on for facts and info on the young ones of the traditional Canada goose…

The Giant Canada Goose and its subspecies generally reach sexual maturity by the age of two or even three years old. Breeding normally occurs in the early quarters of the year as compared to that of other birds. This means that the hatchlings of the Canada Goose actually can get access to high quality prime plant food which is what they survive on. When choosing a nest to lay their eggs it is an interesting fact that the female always returns to the same area where her parents had created and chosen a nesting site. There are exceptions but this is generally the case and females return to the same site each year that they breed.

The Canada goose focuses on the family and usually starts finding a mate in the second year of their life and interestingly enough if one mate dies then the other surviving one will find a new partner. Breeding which takes place during the early part of the year is followed by nesting which occurs during the period of late March all the way till early May. This is followed by the female creating a nest and laying the eggs. The female incubates them turning them over and over in order to protect them from extreme heat and cold weather and it takes around 28 days for the Canada baby geese to hatch out of their shells.

Raising Baby Canada Geese

Once the baby Canada goslings are ready to hatch they use the small hook on their beaks to crack the shell and come out of it. This process usually takes 1 to 2 days to complete and once they are hatched both parents raise the baby Canada geese. The goslings usually stay with their parents for a full year from the time that they hatch and during this period the family of Canada geese spends all of its time in close proximity of each other. After the baby Canada geese hatch, the mother leads the young goslings to the nearest and most secure water body and she leads the pack while the male brings up the rear of this marching company of recruits!

Description of Baby Canada Geese

When they are newly hatched the baby goslings look like ducklings covered with grey and yellow feathers and have a very dark beak. By the first week of birth they grow into awkward looking gray colored birds with a lot of fuzz on them. By the ninth or tenth week of birth their flight feathers are completely grown and they look like miniature versions of the adult Canada goose. Interestingly enough the baby goslings can swim immediately and are accompanied by the parents on each trip to the water.

They can dive and swim up to 30 to 40 feet underwater and are constantly eating so that they can grow just in time to make the first migratory flight. Baby Canada geese feed on grass and other easily available herbs around their habitat. The parents protect the baby from unknown birds and animals but are known to create crèches which are groups of few adults and their goslings.

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