Italian Greyhound Collars

Looking for a custom-made leather fashion collar for your Italian greyhound? Read on for more facts & information about popular greyhound collars…

Some dogs are kept for security purposes and others for hunting. Then there are those dogs that are kept as companions. Irrespective of the purpose for which a dog is kept dog collars are a must have for any dog owner. The more ferocious guard dogs require sturdy steel dog collars and harnesses to keep them under control. Those dogs with a mild nature do not require a dog collar made out of such heavy material. The most commonly found dog collars usually sport a leather buckle. Italian greyhounds however require something special. This is because their physical configuration is quite unlike other regular dogs.

Custom Italian Greyhound Collars

Italian greyhound dogs have a relatively thin and long neck. This is one of the features of the Italian greyhound dog that makes the collar even more prominent. Just like a beautiful necklace is accentuated when placed on a long and beautiful neck. This is why you will find certain dog accessory stores that specialize in producing tailor made dog collars for Italian greyhounds. A dog collar can come in very handy for any breed of dog. The owner can strap on the collar and leash and take the dog for a walk even while he’s cycling.

With the Italian greyhound the utility aspect of a dog collar is a bit diminished because as it is the dog is not very fond of going for long walks especially in the winter seasons. The Italian greyhound will be riding on the owners lap on the chilly nights. Secondly the Italian greyhound is a dog with a very docile nature. This means you will not need a dog collar to control this little pup. This however does not exhaust the function of a dog collar. This is because a dog collar can be used to carry useful information on the dog tags like his name and address in case he gets lost.

Dog Collar Features

Then you have the safety aspects that some dog collars can give you. This includes light reflectors at night which will help the owner and other people to notice the little dog in the dark. Technologically advanced dog collars even have flashing lights on them but one need not buy this fancy gadget for the Italian greyhound. This is because it has short and smooth hair so there are no chances of the dog collar being buried under its coat. Keep-Safe-Break-Away dog collars are also available for the Italian greyhounds that prevent the risk of getting choked by a collar. They have a limit at which the dog collar will break open incase undue pressure is exerted on it due to it getting stuck somewhere etc. In this way these kinds of dog collars help keep your pup safe at all times.

Fashion Collars

Lately however dog collars have become much more of a fashion statement than anything else. This is especially the case with the Italian greyhound because as it is the dog is taken as a symbol of aristocracy. Designer dog collars are also available for the Italian greyhounds which are extremely fashionable and unique. These fancy collars are greatly sought after by celebrity dog owners and others. You will be able to find them in different materials such as fabric collars, leather collars, harnesses, studded collars, colorful colors and suede colors.

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