Spanish Family Crests

Want to commission a Spanish family crest? Discover how you can obtain a Spanish family crest made for your family which includes a coat of arms…

The Spanish family crests shows the coat of arms as well as the family crest in the right colors which were followed by each of the families. They can be crafted for any surname Spain as well as for those from other countries. The heritage behind the Spanish family names is very unique and you can use family tree research to discover where a particular Spanish family name originated from. There are over 50 recognized Spanish family crests utilized for different families which have a long-lasting history in this country.

Influence Spain on World History

Spain is a country which has a very rich historical past and has influenced cultures across the globe. Examples include Rome invading it in ancient times, a war between England and Spain, the time of the Spanish Inquisition or the invasion of the Arabs and the subsequent glory of Spain. The country has a rich history and this was recorded by many of the families.

During each of these changes in the political and social structure of Spain, Spanish families rose to power at different times and were noted down in history books.

Each family had heraldry behind them and one of the ways to display and communicate the family’s beliefs as well as values was incorporated in the Spanish family crest or the Spanish coat of arms.

With this heritage in mind, a simple and elegant genealogical tree for the family can depict the surname of a Spanish or non-Spanish family by using the family crest and the right colors which were incorporated after being chosen by the forefathers of that family.

Different Options for Mounting the Spanish Family Crest

From having the Spanish family crest engraved on a wooden wall plaque to having it stitched in a crochet wall hanging, you can find different options to display your family’s heritage.

You can even combine the history related to the family name in one half of the frame and display the family coat of arms in the other half of the frame to complete your Spanish family crest. This eye-catching piece can be produced with a marble background and a solid mahogany frame to make it pop out dramatically.

The marble or wood wall plaques are usually engraved with laser because a lot of attention to detail is required for crafting a unique family crest and coat of arms onto any surface. The symbols are engraved onto a plate made out of metal and then this is mounted on top of a wooden or marble frame.

The wood is generally solid walnut and can be painted in black, gray, green, red or blue to offset the beautiful colors of the Spanish family crest. The authenticity of this heraldry piece is further enhanced with the use of an old style font to write up the text and display the family name.

You can match them after researching the names in heraldry books as well as old records dating from the time when these families were established and their names were recorded.


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