Corin Tellado Spanish Author

Interested in Corin Tellado in Spanish fiction and literature? Discover the many pseudonyms used by Corin Tellado in Spanish for her 4000 romance novels…

Corin Tellado over 4000 novels in Spanish. She was a popular romance novelist based in Spain and her original name was María del Socorro Tellado López. Born in Viavalez on April 25, 1927 she went on to become popular for her fiction and romantic novels, many of which were published under pseudonyms.

Popularity of Corin Tellado in Spanish Literature

Her work is extremely popular in Latin America and Spain and the majority of her romantic novels were made into television serials as well as radio programs. Her novels were excessively censored during the reign of Francisco Franco.

Due to this reason she followed more of suggestive themes of life and romance in the present day rather than writing very explicit novels. It turned out to be a blessing for her because this was the reason why her books became very popular.

Early Years of Corin Tellado in Spanish Literature

Her first novella was published in 1946 and from the following year onward a renowned publishing house in Spain known as the Bruguera commissioned her to write one short novella every week. By the year 1951 a place for Corin Tellado in Spanish fiction literature had firmly been established.

She signed up with the Hispanic woman’s magazine known as Vanidades. She would submit two individual and uniquely written novellas in each month for publication. Since 1975 she is also known to have published many novels under pseudonyms.

Demise of the Legend

This beloved author passed away during Easter holidays at the age of 81 due to heart failure. She was buried in her hometown in Gijon after a service in the Iglesia de la Inmaculada church.

Commemorating the Legacy of Corin Tellado

The author was presented an award in the year 2007 by the regional government. The native Asturias gave her the honor for her lifetime achievement in Spanish literature. This award was conferred on her through an exhibition which was dedicated to her literature and titled “Corin Tellado, 60 years of love novels”.

She was  quoted as saying that she was not a romantic, neither a dreamer nor a visionary but felt that there was a gap when it came to romance novels and took up the challenge.

Her resilience and passion for writing novellas is evident in the fact that she was on dialysis thrice a week since 1995. However, she kept on writing to the last week of her life and delivered her final novella to the Variedades magazine in time. In fact her last novella was delivered five days before her death to the magazine. She is survived by a son and a daughter.

She was prolific in the Spanish language and had a good command of both the text, as well as crafting her stories to incorporate modern-day situations. This made them extremely popular. The reason why her novels were so popular is due in large measure to the way her characters were presented in a very direct manner. Her novels were easy to read and not explicit in tone.

Of her 4000 novels she has sold more than 400 million books. Most of them have been translated into different languages to be enjoyed by people who cannot speak Spanish. Since this is such a large of number of Spanish books sold by a single author, Corin Tellado has been instated in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1994 for her achievements in Spanish literature.


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