Famous Spanish Paintings

Interested in famous Spanish paintings? Want to know what the most famous all time Spanish paintings are and where to find them? Our guide gives you the facts & information you want to know.

Pablo Picasso is arguably the most prolific producer of famous Spanish paintings the world has ever seen. Famous Pablo Picasso paintings include “Family of Saltimbanques”, “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”, “Three Musicians”, and “Guernica”.

Family of Saltimbanques is a major painting by Picasso from this era, with the height and width measuring more than two meters. Picasso painted the circus on several occasions around the point this painting was finished. The artist was stimulated by his visits to the Médrano Circus in Montmartre. Pablo Picasso used the circus performers to refer to the artist’s estrangement from society, particularly the picture of a modern artist breaking new ground.

Les Demoiselles d’Avignonis is another famous Spanish painting by Picasso. With its hacked contours, intensely quizzical eyes, and broad sense of volatility, Les Demoiselles is still a disconcerting painting after 75 years, a repudiation of the idea that the surprise of art must necessarily fade.

Famous Spanish El Greco Paintings

The Burial of the Count of Orgaz is extensively though to be El Greco’s most famous work. It depicts a popular local fable. A remarkably large painting, it is very clearly divided into two sections, the heavenly above and the earthly below, but there is little feeling of duality.

The theme of the painting is motivated from a fable of the beginning of the 14th century. In 1312, Don Gonzalo Ruíz, native of Toledo, and Señor of the town of Orgaz, died. The Count of Orgaz was a virtuous man who, among other benevolent acts, left funds for the improvement of the church of Santo Tomé. He was also a generous donor. At the time he was being buried, Saint Stephen and Saint Augustine themselves, according to the legend, came down from heaven and buried him in front of the bewildered eyes of those present.

Famous Spanish Dali Paintings

Dali is another of the most productive artists to hail from spain in recent times being responsible for dozens of famous Spanish paintings.Famous Salvador Dali paintings include “The Persistence of Memory”, “Premonition of Civil War” 1936, and “Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bumble Bee”.

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