Spanish Proverbs

Want to learn Spanish proverbs? Read ahead to discover the cultural Spanish proverbs popularly used by native Spanish speakers…

Spanish proverbs usually utilize cultural norms to admonish and warn people. The phrase ‘a bird in hand is worth more than hundred flying birds’ is a popular in Spain and one of the more profound proverbs about stone hearted people can be translated as someone with ‘eyes that can’t see and a heart that can’t feel’.

The Spanish language pays homage to love with this standard proverb love is blind. The worth of a good nights sleep and not wasting time on worrying is reflected in the Spanish proverb which says “not through much waking early does the dawn come earlier”.

Spanish Proverbs for a Good Work Ethic

Success comes to those who try and this is reflected in the proverb ‘the dog that does not walk, does not find a bone to eat’. The wisdom of age and knowing right from wrong is reflected in the Spanish proverb ‘the devil knows more because he’s old rather than simply because he’s the devil’. Beauty really is skin deep and this is reflected in the Spanish proverb ‘by the light of the torch there is no ugly woman’ which reflects on how sunshine and bright light illuminates a person’s face.

Admonishing one to do the right thing and not to gain approval, the Spanish proverb states ‘do the good deed and do not look at by who it is done’, thereby asking one to look for good deed regardless of the person it is done for or who does it.

Religiously Inspired Spanish Proverbs

Spanish proverbs have a lot of religious connotations and bespeak a belief in divinity and reflected profound hopes. The proverb ‘there is no bad from which good does not come’ is testimony to the return of hope and a belief in good things and lessons learnt. Divine help is considered inevitable ‘to God praying and with the mallet using’ as God helps those who truly help themselves.

There is also a superstitious belief that bad things and misfortunes occur in sets of three which is reflected in the proverb ‘misfortunes don’t ever come alone’. Another Spanish proverb tells us that God’s help is truly with someone who rises early.

Spanish Proverbs on Life

The Spanish people believe that life is the best teacher for one person and this is reflected in the beautiful proverb which translates as ‘that which is not in the books, life will surely teach you’. Another proverb asks locals to adapt to local customs which is reflected in the proverb ‘to where you go, do the things that you see’.

Spanish Proverbs Based on Food

The joy that Spaniards take in eating is reflected in the proverb ‘happy stomach, happy heart’ which means that a satisfied person will be cooperative. If you’ve eaten a lot you are very satisfied and happy.

Another proverb related to food says that spices are good but only in moderation which can also be equated with the English proverb ‘too much of a good thing…’

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