Swedish Ergonomic Chairs

Swedish ergonomic chairs offer an innovative and advanced solution for postural problems such as neck cramps, backaches and similar ailments caused by long hours of sitting in workplaces. Read our guide for more facts and information…

Ergonomics is the science related to equipment design meant to maximize support and musculoskeletal comfort. The term is formed from two Greek words namely, ‘ergon’ (work) and ‘nomos’ (natural laws). The term was created by a Polish biologist, and with prolonged use of computers in the modern era, ergonomic chairs are of vital importance.

The first ergonomic chair

In the year 1968, a British company hired a German to study the impact of computer with regard to furniture requirements. As the firm couldn’t implement his concept, he made the first ergonomic chair in his own company, which allowed setting the height and adjusting the back rest. The adjustable chairs became popular in Europe and spread worldwide.

Types of ergonomic chairs

Ergonomic chairs are available as kneeling chairs, ball chairs and bubble chairs. Ball chairs are egg-like and offer a comfortable seating with relaxed back, suitable for working on laptops or talk over the phone. The bubble chair, hung from a cord or chain on a ceiling is more trendy, and suitable for lounges and communal spaces. The kneeling chair uses Swedish technology to promote the best posture.

Swedish ergonomic chairs and stools

Swedish ergonomic chairs offer proper seating, such that the lumbar region is well-supported and the ‘S’ position of the spine is well-maintained. They find extensive use in the dental field, besides offering optimal solutions for workplaces, as they allow proper alignment of body parts and alleviate strain. They are available in many colors, fabrics and designs. Striking colors such as pink, turquoise and crimson are used in fabrics such as leather, wool and several others.

The principle behind the kneeling chair

The kneeling chair has many popular names such as balance chair, knee chair, Norwegian chair, Scandinavian chair and also Swedish chair. It works on a simple principle. While resting, a person usually maintains a right angle between the torso and the lower body, downwards from the hip, posing undue strain over the lumbar region of the back during long hours of seating. The kneeling chair rids off the ninety degree position so that the seat slopes thirty degrees forward. It eases the hip, pushing it towards the front and ensures that the upper part is held upright. Special shin supports are provided to support the legs and the thighs are retained at a sixty to seventy degree angle on the vertical plane. Therefore, much of the body weight and balance is on the shins, and thus the term kneeling chair.

Swedish kneeling chairs minimize body strain, enhance breathing, improve flexibility and reduce body strain.  One type of advanced chair includes curved wooden runners that work in harmony with the body, creating a slight rocking motion, enabling the person to lean closer to the work table. It even eliminates the worry of falling asleep during work, as the motion boosts the sitter’s alertness when tiredness overwhelms.

With better posture, workers would be more productive, allowing for frequent change in positions without strain. Habits such as inactivity and slouching that develop as people get older cause fatigue and tension in the muscles rendering poor posture, which in turn lead to spinal dysfunction, rounded shoulders, joint degeneration and other ailments. Therefore, it is not amazing to note that Swedish kneeling chairs and ergonomic chairs as well as stools have been acclaimed worldwide by medical professionals.

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