Shopping in Turkey

Are you visiting Turkey ? Want to know about shopping and things to buy? Here we’ve provided some useful tips for shopping in Turkey.
Shopping in Turkey

If you are interested in shopping there are many things for you in Turkey. There are shopping malls in cities across Turkey although the best shopping experience to be had for the tourist is in the traditional shopping bazaars of Turkey. The wonderful architecture and sights and smells of the East make shopping in Turkey a great day out.

Shopping Tips

When you are shopping in the bazaars in Turkey you will notice many of the shops sell the same things. If you spot anything you like while shopping ask the price at a few different stalls before thinking about buying.

Shopping in Turkey can be a confusing experience as prices are rarely standard and there is always room for haggling. The first price you are quoted when shopping can often be over twice what the shop keeper is willing to sell for so it’s always worthwhile haggling.

Haggling can be a great part of your shopping experience in Turkey as often you will be invited into the stop for tea or coffee while you and shop keeper chat and negotiate. If you think you are not going to buy even after haggling and drinking the shop keeper’s tea it’s fine to say goodbye and carry on shopping, as this is normal in Turkey.

The only thing not to do when shopping in Turkey is make an offer and then back out , so be careful about doing this when haggling.

Shopping Scams

You should be aware of friendly young Turkish men befriending you when you are shopping in Turkey as often these people will take a commission from any shop you buy from when you are with them.

The price of your shopping is raised to pay for the guide’s commission so if you want the best prices while shopping in Turkey its best to do it alone or with a friend you trust who knows Turkey.

Shopping Tax

VAT or tax is called KDV in Turkey and is almost always included in the price of everything from clothes to hotel rooms.

Be sure you aren’t being conned while shopping in Turkey if somebody shows you a separate KDV entry on your bill. If you buy something expensive while shopping in Turkey including Turkish rugs and Turkish carpets you can claim a KDV refund if you are a tourist. Take your shopping receipt to a bank in the airport when you are leaving Turkey and you should be given a refund.

( 5 assessment, average 4.8 from 5 )