French Antique Chairs

Want to buy an antique French chair? Do you know how to tell an authentic French antique chair from a reproduction? Our guide to antique French chairs gives you the facts & information you want to know.

A French antique chair accompanied perhaps by an antique french desk can bring a unique decorative touch to your home without a big price tag. But transforming a worn-out piece into the treasure you see underneath takes a little time and just a little knowledge.

French antique chairs are the perfect way to add a touch of class to any living room, and although some antique French chairs very often fetch five figure sums, they need not always be so expensive.

Probably the best place to go to buy an authentic French antique chair at a reasonable price is France. There are flea markets in Paris and old antique shops located all over the country and doing some antique hunting may be a great way to pick up some gems such as antique French cafe au lait bowls while having fun on holiday. Although it is possible to buy an antique French chair at a reasonable price, very often such chairs are in need of restoration, which although not particularly expensive, it is still important that the restoration of the antique chair is done properly.

Restoring French Antique Chairs

The first step in restoring your French antique chair is to strip off all the old finish stuck to the wood of the antique chair. Some antique experts say it is best  never to strip off a finish. However, if the antique chair is in a decrepit state there is little other choice. Generally speaking, the more difficult the job and more expensive the French antique chair, the greater care should be taken and even given to a professional restorer.

A French antique chair has to be treated at least once with stripper, and often times more. The best stripper to use on antique chairs is a thin paste. Apply it to wood surfaces, let it dissolve into the finish for about one quarter of an hour, then scrape it off. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Antique French chair restoration

When putting the finishing touches on a restored French antique chair you have the choice of either using a paint or a wood stain. The difference is that paint covers the wood whereas stain still allows you to see the original grain of the wood from the chair underneath the stain. Apply a layer of your refinishing solution, and wait one night before putting on the second layer to your French antique chair. Finish off the restoration process with a paint sealant, and you should be left with a French antique chair fit to grace any living room.

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