Spain weather guide: Seasonal weather in Spain

Are you going on holiday to Spain? Do you want to know how the weather in Spain is likely to be? Our guide to weather in Spain gives you facts & information about seasonal weather patterns in some of the main cities in Spain

Weatherstrong in Madrid in Spain

The weather in Madrid in Spain during the winter is quite moderate with temperatures rarely dropping below 0 and highs of up to 10C. The weather in Madrid in Spain is also relatively dry with average rainfall of about 45mm. The weather in Madrid in Spain warms up considerably with highs of up to 20C and rainfall remaining at similar levels as during the winter in Madrid in Spain. The weather in Madrid in Spain can get very hot during the summer with temperatures reaching highs of up to 30C and rarely dropping below 20C.  The weather in Madrid in Spain during the summer is also very dry with almost no rainfall. The weather in Madrid in Spain is wettest during the autumn season with as much as 50mm of rainfall. The weather also cools down to about 10C by mid October.  The weather in Madrid can also be quite humid at times of the year with humidity levels fluctuating between 50-80%.

Weather in Barcelona in Spain

The weather in Barcelona in Spain remains consistently humid throughout the year at levels of around 70%. Despite its northerly latitude in Spain, Barcelona has relatively mild winters due to it’s proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. The weather in Barcelona in Spain during the winter is also quite dry with only 40mm of average rainfall. The weather in Barcelona in Spain becomes slightly wetter with frequent spring showers while temperatures increase to averages of about 15C. The weather in Barcelona in Spain during the summer is hot and dry with temperatures frequently reaching 30C and rainfall dropping to only about 30mm per month. Autumn in Barcelona in Spain brings with it wet weather with average monthly rainfall almost tripling summer levels.

Weather in Seville in Spain

The weather in Seville in Spain is generally warmer all year round with lowest winter temperatures only slightly below 10C. The weather in Seville in Spain during the summer can be oppressively hot with temperatures often soaring above the 35C mark. This part of Spain still receives a good amount of rain throughout the year with the exception of summer months when hardly any rain at all falls.

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